From Sahara to Beijing
Finding Sahara in Beijiing
Looking for Climate Interconnection
Starting from the concept of climate interconnection, we focused our perspectiveon the Sahara, the largest source of dust in the world, took it as the center of the world, re-projected and drew a world map that conforms to our philosophical view, and regarded it as a blueprint of the experiment.
Building Climate Models
We cooperated with atmospheric scientists to carry out an ideogenetic artisticcreation through a special experiment of atmospheric physics, looking for the dust from the remote Sahara among the countless dust that passed us by.
Collecting Dust
With this ideal climate model, one of the countless Saharan aerosol dust will pass through Greece following an 800-kilometer-long dust cloud this winter, enter the Icelandic low pressure, arrive at the Mongolian-Siberian high pressure after being affected by the prevailing westerlies, and finally enter Beijing andcome to our side with the cold snap.
Detecting Dust
The dust detection was partly based on the scientific analysis of the paper The Nature and Tropospheric Formation of Iberulites: Pinkish MineralMicrospherulites, and a table of the main components and typical elements of Saharan dust was sorted, such as biological remains (plankton,possible viruses, etc.) and minerals (silicates, carbonates, etc.), and the material forms were visualized through 3D modeling. Finally, the dustfrom the Sahara was locked through the detection and comparison of the components of the dust collected, and the last step of the science-based utopian art experiment was completed.
The Book of Hyper-Dust